Observer la lune avec un téléscope ou depuis l’espace, quelles différences ?
Your study of the moon, like anything else, can go from the simple to the very complex. To gaze at the moon with the naked eye, making yourself familiar with the lunar map will help you pick out the seas, craters and other geographic phenomenon that others have already mapped to make your study more enjoyable.
Rocket ce sont des séjours, des excursions et des nuits d’hôtel dans l’espace !
Like anything else, can go from the simple to the very complex. To gaze at the moon with the naked eye, making yourself familiar with the lunar map will help you pick out the seas.
Rocket ce sont des séjours, des excursions et des nuits d’hôtel dans l’espace !
Prendre un Bain de lune
The best time to view the moon, obviously, is at night when there are few clouds and the weather is accommodating for a long and lasting study. The first quarter yields the greatest detail of study. And don’t be fooled but the blotting out of part of the moon when it is not in full moon stage.
Nos chambres grand luxe
To kick it up a notch, a good pair of binoculars can do wonders for the detail you will see on the lunar surface :
- The phenomenon known as “earthshine” gives you the ability to see.
- For best results, get a good wide field in the binocular settings.
- The phenomenon known as “earthshine” gives you the ability to see.
- For best results, get a good wide field in the binocular settings.
Le blog des astrotouristes
Programmes de compensation et d’aide au maintien à domicile – Claims Conference
Nos offres
Rocket est la première agence de voyage stellaire au monde.
Nous faisons tout pour vous offrir un voyage inoubliable.
Last month, my wife, Anne Doe, took me to Las Vegas because she had to go for a business convention.
Last month, my wife, Anne Doe, took me to Las Vegas because she had to go for a business convention.
A subscriber recently wrote to me: A friend of mine is on a fixed income and has maxed out his credit cards (nearing $10,000).
Last month, my wife, Anne Doe, took me to Las Vegas because she had to go for a business convention.
A subscriber recently wrote to me: A friend of mine is on a fixed income and has maxed out his credit cards (nearing $10,000).
Last month, my wife, Anne Doe, took me to Las Vegas because she had to go for a business convention.
L’astrotourisme aujourd’hui
Naturally, as you grow in your love of astronomy, you will find many celestial bodies fascinating. But the moon may always be our first love because is the one far away space object that has the unique distinction of flying close to the earth.
Des navettes avec une vue
à 360° sur la terre et la lune
Naturally, as you grow in your love of astronomy, you will find many celestial bodies fascinating. But the moon may always be our first love because is the one far away space object that has the unique distinction of flying close to the earth.
Nos excursions
Rocket est la première agence de voyage stellaire au monde.
Nous faisons tout pour vous offrir un voyage inoubliable.
Les cratères lunaires
La Lune a une masse de 7,3477 × 1022kg, soit 1/81 celui de la Terre. La gravité à sa surface est de 1,622 m/s2 comparativement à 9,8 m/s2 …
Lever de soleil stellaire
Observer le soleil sans se brûler la rétine est un enjeu de taille pour Rocket. Tous nos vaisseaux sont équipés de vitres traitées spécialement …
Nos services
Rocket est la première agence de voyage stellaire au monde.
Nous faisons tout pour vous offrir un voyage inoubliable.
Last month, my wife, Anne Doe, took me to Las Vegas because she had to go for a business convention.
A subscriber recently wrote to me: A friend of mine is on a fixed income and has maxed out his credit cards (nearing $10,000).
Last month, my wife, Anne Doe, took me to Las Vegas because she had to go for a business convention.
Ils parlent de nous
Audio player software is used to play back sound recordings in one of the many formats available for computers today
Tout simplement fabuleux
C’est une expérience indéscriptible. Ces souvenirs du levé de soleil dans l’espace resterons gravé dans ma mémoire.
Tout simplement fabuleux
Tout simplement fabuleux
Époustouflant !
Tout simplement fabuleux
C’est une expérience indéscriptible. Ces souvenirs du levé de soleil dans l’espace resterons gravé dans ma mémoire.
Tout simplement fabuleux
Tout simplement fabuleux
Époustouflant !
Tout simplement fabuleux
Ils parlent de nous
Audio player software is used to play back sound recordings in one of the many formats available for computers today
Tout simplement fabuleux
Tout simplement fabuleux
Époustouflant !
Ils parlent de nous
Audio player software is used to play back sound recordings in one of the many formats available for computers today
Tout simplement fabuleux
Époustouflant !
Ils parlent de nous
Audio player software is used to play back sound recordings in one of the many formats available for computers today
Tout simplement fabuleux
Notre équipe d’astronaute
I’m not really sure how old I was when I got the gift for Christmas, but I remember thinking it was a pretty impressive piece of electronic hardware.
There is a lot of exciting stuff going on in the stars above us that make astronomy.
There is a lot of exciting stuff going on in the stars above us that make astronomy.
There is a lot of exciting stuff going on in the stars above us that make astronomy.
Créée il y a 50 ans, l’association mobilise auxiliaires de vie, psychologues, ergothérapeutes, juristes… pour permettre aux personnes en grande dépendance de rester chez elles le plus longtemps possible. Elle propose aux rescapés des heures gratuites de maintien à domicile, en complément d’une prise en charge publique. Adiam Solidarité 42 rue le Peletier 75009 Paris Tél : 06 64 18 34 73 Email :
dans un voyage stellaire
Vous avez une question ?
Audio player software is used to play back sound recordings in one of the many formats available for computers today
La chambre possède-t-elle une douche ?
Sommes-nous en apesanteur dans l’hôtel ?
La chambre a-t-elle une vue sur l’espace ?
Quels sont les services disponibles au sein de l’hotel ?
Combien de temps durent les journées dans l’espace ?
10, 9 , 8 ….
Paré au décollage ?
Audio player software is used to play back sound recordings in one of the many formats available for computers today